Malawi Relief Fund UK

Sponsor an Orphan


Sponsor An Orphan

Give an Orphan the Basic Necessities
Malawi has over one million orphans. 1in 5 households are looking after and orphan or vulnerable child and many of these households are headed by girls, women and elderly women.

The majority of families caring for orphan or vulnerable children in Malawi lack the means to provide their family members with basic necessities.

The sponsorship programme will ensure the child is taken care of in a safe, secure, loving and caring environment provided with good education as well as spiritual, social and intellectual development.

The children will be provided with boarding, food, health care, clothing and resources to help with their learning and day to day needs.

  • Malawi has over 1 Million Orphans.
  • Only 6% of Orphans receive any medical support;
  • 7 out of 10 child deaths are due to preventable causes#
  • 1 in 3 orphans fail to start even primary education, which is free in Malawi.


Ensure every child gets an opportunity to education and a good start to their life.

Cost: £400 per year

includes boarding, food, education, etc

Please donate any amount to support the programme.

Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah can be given
2024 Eid Gifts Prep Sponsor an Orphan - Malawi Relief Fund UK

Eid Packs & Eid Gifts Being Prepared For Eid-ul-Fitra 2024

Eid Gifts and Packs being readied for distribution to the children of Malawi for Eid-ul-Fitr 2024.

Gifts will be distributed to the gifts on the day of Eid in line with obligations.

Please continue to donate your Sadqa and Fitra for the children so they may also enjoy their day of celebration with smiles on their faces.

To donate, please visit:

MRF qurbani 2023 001 Sponsor an Orphan - Malawi Relief Fund UK

Qurbani Meat 2023 Being Distributed

Qurbani’s began immediately after the Eid Salaah & Kudbah in Malawi and by the next day all qurbani’s were complete, bagged and distributed to the thousands of needy families in Malawi

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