Malawi Relief Fund UK

Make A Donation




Fitra is payable prior to Eid-ul-Fitr Salah at a minimum of £3.50 for every member of your household. Including Children.  You may donate as much as you wish depending on your personal circumstances.

The cost of projects are displayed as an indication as to how much each project costs. We would prefer donations of complete amounts, however, you may donate as little or as much as you like.

Donation Value: *

Relevant Information:

Add any instructions or detail, such as If donating for a Well, provide name of individual in honour of. For Esale Sawaab, etc

Admin Fee Recovery:

We would appreciate a small additional donation (£1, £2, £5, £10, £50) to cover transaction/admin charges to process your donation. Please enter the amount below

SKU: FITRA Category:


Please kindly note that for various reasons which are beyond our control, such as exchange rates, cost of commodities,  the cost for the project you have donated for may vary. Please note, and be assured, that any surplus funds will be used on the same or similar projects where most needed.

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